Category Archive For "Why Watch Me Think?"
“I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll tear your packaging open.”
There is a well-known but paradoxically little recognised exercise routine being played out almost daily in kitchens across the planet.
You cannot be serious?
TARS: I have a cue light I can use to show you when I’m joking, if you like.
Cooper: That might help.
TARS: Yeah, you can use it to find your way back to the ship after I blow you out the airlock.
[cue light flashes]
2016 – the dawn of a golden age of mobile video? I thought that was 2015?
Everyone talks about how consumers are going to consume video on their phone – but don’t get fed this, source it. Use it. Make this “era of mobile video” work for you.
Innovation – Failing Fast vs Failing miserably
In the last year WMT have been asked to demonstrate to many of the world’s largest brands, some simple processes that can make these goals a reality by doing more with less.
4 problems you can easily avoid when conducting consumer video research
We thought we’d spend a few minutes explaining how you can save hours, maybe days, when using video insights. For sure, there’s more than just 4, but these are the ones we hear all the time…
How cutting the bullsh*t can set you free
The real story about the people behind the idea and company is often lost completely as founders try to hide the truth about the chaos that surrounds them.
Global Consumer Segmentation – Who are the people behind your data?
One of the key challenges we help solve, is how to connect their business and other stakeholders, with the real people that make up their Global (and local) Segmentation.
Nosy algorithms and secret sauces
Videos, despite being mightily powerful business tools for engagement and persuasion are, frankly, dumb beasts.
For all their walkie-talkie pfazz, they are black boxes.
Worse: they suffer from their own form of Locked-In Syndrome. Once viewed. They then close up. You know their name. But not what’s going on inside.
The Australian Online Shopper
Online shopping offers convenience and ease but do you have to be super organised to adopt this form of shopping practice?
How “Barn”-storming changed the way we work
We’ve just come back from our first ever global team retreat. Yes we climbed trees. Yes we built rafts. Yes we had fun. It was a brilliant few days in an old converted Barn.