The100: Impatience, going analogue and Stephen Fry

Frying AI No massive revelation here (my cat provides as much insight when she sneezes), but Stephen Fry is very good with words.  If you haven’t read his speech on AI, may I suggest you make a brew, switch off all notifications, and start reading. And I mean properly read. Maybe even do so twice.  …

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The100: Finding great stories, the black sheep paradox and friendship

Who are the (most) chosen ones?  Kantar have published their latest Brand Footprint reports. These show the most chosen brands globally and regionally. Hats doffed (damn it), because the reports are actually very interesting. Can you guess the global top 10? And there are 20 brands capturing the attention of the so called ‘Boomers’. Sparkling …

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The100: Lived-experiences, OODA loops and Simone Biles

A-aye or A-nay? Erm, oh dear. Turns out that if you describe your product as using AI, it lowers a customer’s intention to buy it. The Taco Bell Distinguished Professor of hospitality business management at Washington State University (yes, that really is their title) said: ‘In every single case, the intention to buy or use …

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The100: Storytelling, Liquid Death and climbing Mt. Everest

Once upon a time… Jeremy Connell-Waite sheppards us into storytelling’s Elysian Fields with his 9 principles for being better at them. From principle #2: “This research paper reveals new insights on how fast the average human reads non-fiction. It turns out to be around 238 words per minute. If that is true, and our screen-based …

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The100: Uncertainty, precrastination and the Simpsons

File under: Must listen to I love Sam Conniff’s work on the Uncertainty Experts. And his talk with Neil Perkin on becoming comfortable with uncertainty is quite possibly my favourite thing since the recall email function. A few (ok, lots of…) highlights: Untangling the facts  Using the example of 2 news articles about the same …

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The100: The great exhaustion, pivoting and the accordion

London calling – are you listening? More from the excellent event we had in May, this time featuring some of the things we took away on listening. Lots of people in the room that day have since told me how much they loved this from Avi Kluger: “The quality of the listener dictates the quality …

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The100: Fixing your calendar, moneyballing and Jerry Seinfeld

What happens in London… We had a grand old time with 260 of you at our ‘You are not your consumer event’ a few weeks back. I promised some sneak peaks of the talks in The100, so let’s start with getting stakeholder buy-in on understanding people. “Fixing culture starts with calendars” Meetings, bloody meetings. Bruce …

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