Embrace unintended uses
Nice on the startup daily about being open to unintended uses of your product.
At watchmethink we have been and will remain fully flexible. We develop in the direction our community and our customers take us. Whilst we have our core goals – we need to try stuff that we’re being pointed at. If one of those things works, great. If not, well we know, and we just need to move on and try something else.
They point out that ‘Baking soda was originally sold for use in cooking. Arm & Hammer was smart enough to pay attention when people started using it for cleaning and odor control, and a new and much larger market opened up for them’.
It’s a good case study both to illustrate their point but also to illustrate why brands should be using watchmethink – to observe their customers using their products to identity both problems and opportunities.
We’re not breaking new moulds here – we’re just making a process that is known to be effective, more accessible.
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