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Will they do it?

The question we’re asked is normally – are there people out there that actually care enough to do this? And our reply is always the same.

Firstly, let’s address the ‘care’ part. We know people are passionate about the things they use, the services they use. They’re part of their everyday fabric. They are the subject of conversation, they are what makes up their daily schedule. Some people go as far as to do this. The question is really all about the second part – will they make videos of them doing this?

For part two, the answers is of course, ‘well let’s see’, but the evidence is out there. People are using video more and more, people leave feedback all the time, review sites are growing, brand interaction is on the rise – combine all of these with a little bit of dynamism and you have the basic ingredients for success.

So why do it? Well there is the double whammy of status and of money. Two strong motivators. Read more over at