Entries Written By Alistair Vince
The100: Sunken unicorns, the first chatbot and who’s in space
The artificial intelligentsia Back in 1966, an MIT professor called Joseph Weizenbaum invented the first chatbot. Many of the alarm bells he subsequently rang in the 70s are still tolling today: “By ceding so many decisions to computers, he thought, we had created a world that was more unequal and less rational, in which the …
The100: Competitors, the empathy problem and space themed playgrounds
Those 2 letters again… Unlike the metaverse (remember that?!) and NFTs, it feels like generative AI is here to stay *prays he doesn’t have to eat his hat*. Companies can’t afford to ignore it, but as Mark Ritson argues, that shouldn’t come at the expense of brand or differentiation. By way of example, Ritson turned …
The100: Humour as a tactic, homogenous brands and cuddly offensiveness
Listen to the consumer, or… not? First up, a clip of Steve Jobs explaining how Apple made a list of things they wanted to build for their customers. By asking them. And not focussing on their competitors. But we also have Adam Ferrier explaining why you shouldn’t talk to customers *gasps* and how research can …
The100: Siren strategies, memories & South Park
Worshipping the wrong heroes Martin Weigel, CSO at AMV BDDO, says that strategy is in urgent need of reformation, that it has become obscured by myth, misinformation and process. In noting that 40% of CEO’s think their company will not be economically viable a decade from now, he states: The inconvenient truth for those who …
The100: Artificial inquisitiveness, brand purpose and French exits
“The road to hell is paved with good intention” Nick Asbury spoke a metric tonne of sense in his 3 part blog on brand purpose, ticking off what it is, why it leads to worse marketing and the alternatives. From part 2: “The purpose is a just-so story that is retrofitted to the business later, …
The100: Mondeo Man, museum of brands, and Malcolms
Soccer moms and NASCAR dads “A common trick to make a target group sound like it’s worth focusing on is to highlight what is distinctive about them, at the expense of what is important.” I came across that piece of source code in an article about the ‘Mondeo man’ and the myth of such political …
The100: Inclusive design, the anti-trend trend and flying squirrels
Kicking off with a bang Well, well, well. This is a perspective I haven’t heard before: Malcolm Gladwell on why you shouldn’t start your talk with a bang (does this count as one?!) “I want them [the audience] to be in a different place than they were at the beginning […] So my worry is …
The100: Marketing bubbles, Bud Light and Cockney accents
The reaction to the reaction that created more reaction It wouldn’t be an issue of The100 without Ritson’s recent ruminations (apologies for the excessive alliteration). He’s written about the US backlash to a Bud Light ad and how it shows the complexity of mass marketing: “Watching the full interview with Heinerscheid [VP, Bud Light] is …
The100: Jobs to be done, efficiency reloaded & the Lucas/Spielberg bromance
The real event in London last week Last week we were lucky enough to welcome 200 of you lovely readers to our event in London on liars and lying. There were no crowns, 12th century spoons or grim reapers (ummm, what was that please?), but we did have 11 brilliant speakers and a few scoops …
The100: The disruption myth, strategic ideas and airport views
“Computers and society are out on a 1st date” There’s a metric tonne of gold dust in The Steve Jobs Archive. It’s stacked with memos, emails and interviews. Including this, from circa 1976 – 85: “Apple’s strategy is really simple. What we want to do is put an incredibly great computer in a book that you carry …