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How To Be F*cking Awesome


How to be Awesome

Dan Meredith



Dan Meredith is doing pretty well for himself. Being a copywriter, come gym owner, come business coach = him taking home a 6 figure wedge.

Each chapter in his book contains tips which he used to get and keep himself there.

And they aren’t airy-fairy, arty-farty hacks that take an age to do either, each chapter ends with ‘action steps’ that you can undertake in an instant.

What I took from reading it

There are a lot of books on a similar ‘bettering yourself at work’ theme. And they no doubt provide equally as brilliant tips. But Dan writes as if he were chatting with a pal down his local pub. And that makes this book genuinely fun to read.

The ‘dentist hour’ is one of the most useful and sensible tips I’ve ever read. You can find it on Page 111. You’re welcome.

My other favourite chapters were ‘be weird’ and ‘be shameless’. Summarised as embracing your inner weirdness, webbed toes ‘n all, and not being afraid to ask for things.

Who should read this book

Dan is the man. And, honestly, we fangirl over him (like, a lot). So, we were always going to recommend this book to anyone and everyone.

But, if you’re looking for a book that gives actionable advice on how to be, well, fucking awesome, and something that doesn’t feel like a slog to read, then this is your badger.

Where to Buy

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