The100: The disruption myth, strategic ideas and airport views

“Computers and society are out on a 1st date” There’s a metric tonne of gold dust in The Steve Jobs Archive. It’s stacked with memos, emails and interviews. Including this, from circa 1976 – 85: “Apple’s strategy is really simple. What we want to do is put an incredibly great computer in a book that you carry …

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The100: The age of average, Brandolini’s Law and Ameriga

Averagers Assemble Alex Murrell’s piece on the age of average is spot on. Since when did everything start looking the same? However depressing that is, it does present a huge opportunity to stand out: “when every category abides by the same conventions, when every industry has converged on its own singular style, bold brands and …

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The100: Personas, Netflix thumbnails and Kuchisabishii

Can you handle the truth? At our event in May on avoiding lies in Market Research, I’ll be talking about how to get closer to the truth.  As a little amuse-bouche: There’s been a lot of conversation about survey design, with one polster using the word ‘illegal’ when asking voters about immigration. Most people support …

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The100: Trends, lists & the Namib Desert

Welcome back! Anyone else relate to this? Anyway…  An AI experiment from the Bali tourist board Whilst machines like ChatGPT are learning to be human, Ian Leslie argues that the problem is humans are becoming like machines. It’s a marvellous piece, stuffed full of examples. He says: “We should refuse, in whatever game we’re playing, …

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The100: The Best of 2022

Strap in – keep your arms, legs, feet and antlers inside the vehicle, and enjoy the ride. In 10th McDonald’s Famous Orders campaign made for an interesting case study. One of the Famous Order meals broke the McDonald’s supply chain due to the demand it created.  In 9th He was always going to make the …

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