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Tas – How to Find your Golden Thread

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Anthony “Tas” Tasgal is a lecturer, strategist and author.

Tas discussed how we’re running the risk of living in a DRIP world – data rich, insight poor. We need to nudge the pendulum further away from prove and a little bit more towards move.

Storytelling is one way we can do so. Tas went on to explain the Golden Thread approach to storytelling and how we can apply it.

Whether you’re giving a speech, writing a presentation or debriefing research, The Golden Thread is the single idea which runs throughout. It could be a point of view, a hypothesis or an argument, but whatever it is, that’s what you build around. Every point you make should relate to your Golden Thread.

Jean-Luc Godard once said, “A film should have a start, a middle and an end but not necessarily in that order.” Tas argued that we shouldn’t be afraid to start with the end and carry on our Golden Thread from there.

Tas’s books
Tas’s Twitter

Thanks a million to Tas for letting us share his talk.