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Tristan Ferne: 12 types of new digital story

email Alistair if you need the password.

How do you deliver information to people in an efficient and attractive way? Hmm. 

A question made even more complex when compounded by said information not always being something people want to hear. Hmmmm.

Tristan Ferne, Lead Producer at the BBC’s R&D team, has been looking into exactly that.

In his 20 minute talk, Tristan explains 12 types of new digital story which we could all be using to share information, both internally and externally. 

All story formats included are scalable, efficient to create, and fit the habits of today’s world. Ideal.

A big thank you to Tristan for letting us share his talk.

Have a read of Tristane’s original article on new digital story formats and the follow ups if you’d like to hear more from him. You can also find Tristan on Twitter and LinkedIn.