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Short Musings: Going social media cold turkey

As it turns out, the world didn’t end when I deleted my Snapchat, Facebook or Instagram accounts. Not even a quiver on the seismograph.

Albeit I’m not transitioning particularly well.

I’m still at the stage where I’ll instinctively tap around for my phone whenever I have 2 minutes to kill.

And then I think how sad it is.

How sad it is that I’m no longer resourceful enough to amuse myself for a measly 2 minutes.

How sad it is that I spent such a disproportionate amount of my time looking down at a something that is so artificial and calculated.

How much have I missed whilst staring down?

How much have we all missed?

It’s time to start looking up.

Your neck will thank you for it.

And, more seriously, so will your mind.