By 2012, 90% of data will be video

Really? Oh that is good news (especially for us).  Before you think that this is a figure that we made up just to make ourselves feel better, it’s actually a quote from Cisco‘s Chief Futurist, Dave Evans. He did a live Talk2Cisco broadcast at the end of July where he talked about the internet of …

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Sell the problem

Seth struck gold again for us with his piece all about selling the problem. We’ve been talking about that a lot here at watchmethink. As always Seth articulates it slightly better, so I’ll hand over to him to explain the beautiful paradox which is that ‘a lot of people aren’t willing to embrace that they …

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Haul videos

You may or may not have heard of haul videos.  Haul videos are essentially people (consumers) uploading videos on what they have bought from the shops – talking about what they bought and why they like it (the benefit of these for the marketer is that they are rarely negative – why would you buy …

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Strategic planning

Couldn’t have put it better myself.  Here at watchmethink we’re all about making things simpler, about getting things done, not just talking about them, about making it easier to understand your customer, easier to get at insight about your customer, easier to digest this insight, making it fun to digest this insight. Accessible, simple, insight. …

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Great people

Small people. Not interested Average people. What things? We definitely want to talk to you. Great people. You will want to be with us. Because if you’ll talk about them, we’ll listen to them, and make sure the right people are listening too.

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What consumers want

The title of a piece by the team at Made by Many. So many think things to quote from this one. Firstly, ‘what I do know is that in agency-land ‘customer focus’ is too often merely rhetoric. Sometimes it’s not even known who the real customers are (!).’ If this is true, and we believe …

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The importance of global

We’ve heard that before. But it’s going to be even more important in the next decade, according to Niklas Zennstrom (co-founder Skype, recently sold for $3.1bn), in the most recent edition of Wired magazine. Zennstrom (who invests in almost 30 other start ups through his London based Atomico fund (which by the way recently raised …

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Cultivate relationships, not transactions

Over at the complete innovator, a fantastic site where they consistently come up with high quality editorial, they recently published a piece on secrets to corporate authenticity. It gives a real insight into how companies should operate. For a business in its infancy (as watchmethink is) this is a ‘must read’ piece. For us here …

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Brand communities

Over at we are social, Nathan McDonald has been allowed to reproduce a piece he wrote on Brand Communities for Contagious Magazine. He says that ideas from these brand communities ‘can contribute to the evolution and innovation of products or simply be a way to test new features, flavours or functionality’. It’s an interesting area …

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