It’s not what you say, it’s what you do

A couple of months back Ralph Orr wrote an interesting piece on the customers role in innovation. It presented both sides to the argument. Here at watchmethink we have an interest in this topic. We certainly believe the videos our community are providing could be extremely useful in any companies innovation programme. We’re on Steve …

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Flexible development

There is no doubt that when you’re setting up a company, the best (or rather one of the quickest) ways to do it, is with people that are located in the same city as you. When we set up watchmethink we did it the hard way – there were 3 of us and we were …

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How do we do?

So another week and another check list for us. This time spotted on Mashable from Bill Clark, the CEO of Microventures, listing the 8 crucial elements of start up success. Let’s see how we do. 1. Hire great coders. Check. 9/10. 2. Launch your product site quickly. Hmm. 5/10. 3. Identify your users. 7/10 4. …

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Helping start ups

I read with interest a post last week published by Neil Perkin at Only Dead Fish about the Portland Incubator Experiment and whether a model like that would work in the UK. Neil writes ‘The Portland Incubator Experiment has been going for a couple of years, actively supported by Wieden & Kennedy, and serving “as …

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It’s not just us…

There are often days, evenings, mornings, waking up in the middle of the night, moments when the fear arrives. They only last for short periods, but when they hit, they hurt, and their knock on effects can sometimes put you off your stride for a few hours. I’m talking about the moments when you think …

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Choosing an agency…

One of the things I was personally looking forward to when we secured funding (which we did, just in case you didn’t know) was selecting an agency to work with. Having previously sold into agencies and having a wife who worked very much within that world, I had been witness to the many exciting, intelligent …

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Tinkering, tailoring, soldering on

Ian McCarthy wrote an interesting piece back in February all about the Creative Consumer. It set me thinking (a lot) and now I’m ready to comment on it. Creative consumers are those ‘individuals, or communities of individuals, who adapt or modify a proprietary product offering. They tinker and experiment with almost any product, ranging from …

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Little bets

Over at The Start up Daily they had a great piece on the way to discover where to focus your bigger efforts. Here at WMT we’ve always followed the mantra that if an idea is to fail, let’s make sure we fail fast and fail often. If we do that we’ll be in a solid …

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Exciting times

We don’t write about us that much. We write about the company. But this time (because today we’re a little bit excited) we’re going to write about us. Today is a great day. Today we all are coming together in London for 3 days of intensive focused, face to face (for we are based in …

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I don’t want people to see me on video…

So who are these people who are uploading videos? It’s a good question. We knew we wanted to create a place that was attractive to some core personality types. We wanted to create a place where users who liked status could achieve that (via the leaderboard). We wanted to create a place where users who …

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