Start ups – things to remember

We’ve been reading lots of things about start ups – one that stuck with us was an article written back in 2009 which listed things you have to get right. Well we’re here no so let’s look at how we’ve done so far. 1. Pick good cofounders – so far so good. 2. Launch fast …

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Will they do it?

The question we’re asked is normally – are there people out there that actually care enough to do this? And our reply is always the same. Firstly, let’s address the ‘care’ part. We know people are passionate about the things they use, the services they use. They’re part of their everyday fabric. They are the …

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Videos are more interactive than text

So good news all round. As you may or may not know, watchmethink soft launched in Australia last week. Exciting. We’ll mention it again. Don’t worry. So imagine our happiness when we saw this article today all about how to use video to market your business, all backed up by stats on how the Aussies …

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Why we’re blogging

As you know, we’re a start up. One with very big ambitions. This guest post hosted by the team at Techcrunch breaks down the reasons why startups need to blog – we thought we’d share why we’re doing it using their very helpful structure. 1. Why are we blogging? We care about ‘accessing customers, reaching …

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So here we go then…

We’re live. It’s been 18 months in the making from that day the idea originated whilst sharing a packet of crisps down the pub as a group of friends. It’s amazing what hard work and desire can do. So hello then. If you’re a brand why don’t you come and talk to us. If you’re …

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Observing the consumer

Why does watchmethink exist? The reason is that we believe that observation of people gives better insight than anything else. Anything else. Why? Well watch this. We believe this and want to provide a way people can observe quickly and simply to provide that killer insight they seek. In this video Peter Booth from Tin …

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Maybe next year

Okay so we didn’t make the list this year, but for the 2012 list… Mashable, we’re putting our name forward right now. If you need a reminder – it’s

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How to record video

The team over at Vimeo have made a useful video on how to choose a camera, shoot and edit – useful for our budding contributors to watchmethink. So if you want the best chance to earn money for recording you or your friends using products or services – this could be worth a few minutes …

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Nobody knows anything

The debate about the value of research continues. I’ve been waiting until I saw more than one article debating this – and the one today from Faris Yakob has summed it all up wonderfully in ‘All market research is wrong‘. Full of awesomeness. Why, well he makes 2 points 1. We don’t know why we …

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What is ethnography?

The question is who cares? No, that’s unfair. We care. But what do these people (ethnographers) do, what makes them so special, they’ve even got a name that makes people think they’re ethical. Which isn’t right. Our friends over at Blogging Innovation ask ‘who is an ethnographer’ and the answer is simple. Everyone. Everyone observes …

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