The100: Storyhunting, the future of work & research bashing

De/Im-parting wisdom Tom Callard (soon to leave advertising agency BBH) wrote about the 50 things he’s learned in ad agencies. The whole list is great, but my highlights are: Trust your gut, but also try to prove it wrong.  Hunt for revelations, not ‘insights’ (thanks Richard Huntington). The consumer might not give you the answer, …

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The100: Logo throwbacks, marketing mistakes and Vikings

Have the last laugh The use of humour in advertising has nosedived over the last 15 years. As of 2020 just 34% of adverts were funny or lighthearted, down from 53% in 2004. And the bottom line isn’t laughing either. Recent studies have shown humorous adverts tend to be more effective, and have a significant, …

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The100: Best of 2021

To finish a year that’s gone faster than you can say “8-days-until-christmas”, we’ve gone back into the archives and dusted off the 10 most popular links featured in The100 during 2021. Best enjoyed with a brew, as always. In joint 10th 22 innovations that’ll change the world, the sonic extinguisher being a personal favourite. And while …

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The100: Mind reading, bias firewalls and the Mars Rover

Bias Firewall Martin Agency has published a tremendous tool called The Visibility Brief. The aim of the document is to help us ask better questions, broaden perspectives and do more representative work. It’s advertising focused, but applies itself just as well to research. Also excellent is The Outside Directory, which lists UK creatives from everywhere …

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The100: Awkward silences, trendy falsehoods, & Jurassic cats

The Effect bias I made that name up to describe my predilection for this wonderful clickable diagram of cognitive effects, biases and fallacies. A particular rabbit hole for me was the top right quadrant of too-much-information. Are you average? Apparently the average professional spends 21.5 hrs per week in meetings? Up from 14.2 pre-pandemic. Crikey. …

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The100: Budget insights, shorter briefs and knickerbocker glories

Everything changes?   BBH labs have analysed consumer behaviours, beliefs and attitudes to see if ‘change’ is really true.  Change is to marketers what lightbulbs are to moths. We fixate upon emerging behaviours, fetishise the latest platforms, and fantasise about ‘new normals’. The world as understood through agency decks is a place of constant upheaval. There …

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The100: Syllogistic reasoning, better briefs and the Burlap King

Machines need paths With apologies to many out there hanging their proverbial hat on AI, we have read an argument that states AI Is No Match for the quirks of Human Intelligence.  Insight problems generally cannot be solved by a step-by-step procedure, like an algorithm, or if they can, the process is extremely tedious.  I …

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