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Here’s your latest kicked sandcastles:

Much ado about consumer groups The learnings from our ‘You are not your consumer’ event last month continue –…

London calling – are you listening? More from the excellent event we had in May, this time featuring some…

“No real reason for this email, except to say that The100 is pretty much the only regular email I get that I read and click into. Thank you for enriching my inbox!”

De/Im-parting wisdom Tom Callard (soon to leave advertising agency BBH) wrote about the 50 things he’s learned in ad…

“When in doubt, read Bullmore.” Tom Darlington starts us off this week with a must read for anyone in…

I’m back. You didn’t notice. That’s ok 🙂 Neither did anyone at Watch Me Think towers (which I take…

Have the last laugh The use of humour in advertising has nosedived over the last 15 years. As of…

Happy New Year and all that (at what point should we stop saying that?); welcome to another year of…

To finish a year that’s gone faster than you can say “8-days-until-christmas”, we’ve gone back into the archives and…

Bias Firewall Martin Agency has published a tremendous tool called The Visibility Brief. The aim of the document is…

The Effect bias I made that name up to describe my predilection for this wonderful clickable diagram of cognitive…

Everything changes? BBH labs have analysed consumer behaviours, beliefs and attitudes to see if ‘change’ is really true. Change…