Entries Written By Fran Benoist
Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness
By understanding how people settle on a decision, we can help them to make better ones. And we can even do so without restricting their choice. Instead, we just need to nudge them in the right direction.
Predatory Thinking
When a predatory thinker hits a problem they can’t solve, they move upstream, change the context and turn it into a problem that they can solve.
Hegarty on Creativity: There are No Rules
This pocket sized bible covers improving, nurturing and sustaining creativity.
ReWork: Change the Way You Work Forever
The Watch Me Think founding fathers drew heavily from this book when forming the company and sewing its principles. The fact that, 7 years later, the company is a success and these principles are still evident is a sure sign that this book was flipping useful.
101 Contrarian Ideas About Advertising
This book nets the general thoughts, musings and put-downs from an advertising great, Mr Bob Hoffman. All 101 of them to be precise.
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of NIKE
I think Knight wanted to write scarily honest account of what starting a business is really like. And, according to my heart rate, he certainly managed to do so.
Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
0 to 1 is about taking an old idea, squeezing the stuffing out of it, and coming up with a business that nobody else has thought of.
Copy, Copy, Copy
Why struggle to muster an ‘original idea’ (whatever that means) when you can just copy something that’s worked before?
Do Purpose: Why Brands with a Purpose Do Better and Matter More
Why your business should be purpose driven and, once persuaded (because he will persuade you), how you can implement it. He also throws in the odd tip on being an all round business extraordinair too.
Herd: How to change behaviour by harnessing our true nature
Herd outlines the underlying principles of mass behaviour through examples, such as the London riots, and guides you through applying these principles to marketing.