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Here’s your latest kicked sandcastles:

Can anyone get AI to summarise all of these? Jeez, 2024? Let’s kick off with all the trend reports…

Phwoar. Anyone know where this year has gone? To mark the occasion, we’ve compiled the top 10 most clicked…

“No real reason for this email, except to say that The100 is pretty much the only regular email I get that I read and click into. Thank you for enriching my inbox!”

Trender bender Little known fact: if you laid all the pages of all the 2020 trend reports published to…

Back in the hot seat. And after a week of not eating leftover cheese and chocolate for breakfast, I’m…

Be a fool Justin Lines spoke recently about how comedians can help us reveal better insights. Because Haha is…

Behold the Sky Rabbits! (Alleged) AI and some of its applications are snake oil. Sold as a remedy for…

Messing with the magic Snip. Snip. Snip. Snip. The slithers of rope tethering online advertising to any form of…

Rebranding data Canvas8 has been asking global tech ethnographer Tricia Wang for her tuppenceworth on why thick data makes big…

Valuing mental availability Paul Feldwick’s article on how brand experience should not distract marketers from fundamental brand truths has been well…

Czech this out There is a marketing festival in Prague next year which is called, errr, Marketing Festival. The…

From The New School Tim Stock teaches what looks to be a hugely interesting course at The New School called…