
It never ceases to amaze me that so many companies still wait until a new product or service is just about to be launched before asking “how can we now link this launch to a consumer trend or insight?” A couple of observations from some of the global post-launch reviews we are continually asked to …

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The future of video for MRX

One client said to us that they would dread the day their boss would come to them and ask: ‘You remember that video we did last year? When that woman said something about health? Can you find it? Just the bit where she mentions our brand… it’s for a presentation I have tomorrow.’

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Making ‘better, cheaper, faster’, a reality when working with video

Last month I had the pleasure of presenting at the AQR annual conference where I was able to show the attendees our platform.  What follows below is an overview of this talk. We know client expectations are increasing. Faster turnarounds on projects. Better quality insights. All communicated more powerfully. All that, often with less budget. …

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