The100: Best of 2017

(Drum roll…) The 10th most popular piece from 2017 was… 8 creative ways to share your research. We spend all that effort, then what… Tied at 8th How smartphones aren’t destroying kids, they’re destroying adults – apart from when they’re making extremely insightful videos for progressive research agencies, of course. Plus how the UK election …

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The100: Lines, stories and choices…

The 12 ways to tell a story… OK, there are some outliers, but here’s a fantastic summary. The short exploration of each (news based) story format is eye opening.  For anyone wanting to tell stories internally or externally,  this could prove useful for inspiration and application. And have you ever wondered what happens to the brain …

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The100: The Toilet Paper Principle

Our Fantasy Dinner Party Guest List just grew Canapes perennially at the ready for Dave (Trott), Rory (Sutherland) and Bob (Hoffman). Extra place setting now for Russell (Davies). He wrote this defence of powerpoint. Rare, no? And now for a short quiz: Your presentations always get remarked upon for their wit, style and creativeness.Yes – liar 😉 No – have a read …

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The100: That’s here. That’s home. That’s us.

Insert label here The assumptions we make, and the subsequent labelling we apply, is always a dangerous pastime. So this struck a note when it dispelled the commonly held belief that the poor eat the most fast food. Sticking with labels and assumptions: Bob, good ole Bob: “The idiotic idea that all millennials are this …

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The100: Since when was your life just a stream?

Since when was your life just a stream? I’m thinking of taking a bunch of 100ers (that includes you) to a new day-seminar called Episodic. It’s is run by the team that put on The Story (my favourite day of the year). “…conferences [have] emerged about how to win the battle for attention in spaces like Facebook, …

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The100: The Case of the Slow Elevator

It’s not what you do. It’s why you do it. It’s a Simon Sinek mantra. Though not everyone has been comfortable with it. “…everyone has a why […], but for the longest time I found that profoundly annoying and irritating, because I didn’t.” According to Tim Le Roy, the interim secret is to borrow someone else’s “why”. …

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The100: The vacuous value of a #like

#like this?I got lost on the way to B, from A.All products and services offer a journey between where someone is right now, and where they want to be. There could be small steps in between (just add boiling water). There could be big steps (assemble furniture in just 20 minutes!).Between each step is a potential …

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